Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Andre Bannan
Gender: Male
Season: Rail Force
Color: Orange
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode Appearances:
Actor:Chris O'Neal
RailRanger 6
(Ranger 6)
Ranger 6




Andre is a very no-nonsense, carefree individual and an animal lover. All he cares for are working and his goal to protect the beautiful rainbow. Due to his past as a Shadow, Andre believes he deserves to die and, accepting of his self-imposed "fate," goes into every battle believing it will be his last. He always tries to help his teammates and became close friends with Timothy Blue. He's the only person on the team to know about Mina Bennett's crush on Rob Bowman but he doesn't know that Mina hates romance. He's a lot like Ian Bennett but very change full like April Bright.
