Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

this article for Guardians squad

guardians pad[]

pad was maked by earth coporation for save earth from lockster 

Blank Rider Indicator

blank guardians pad

it was saled in school 

pad belt[]

Pad be3lt

pad belt

pad belt is transformation devices was maked by lockster for generate fruit killer

but earth coporation found it and make another good versions

transformation sequence

guardians pad must placed in belt,use the belt,pull slicer lever

gun saber[]


gun saber

is a support weapon for guardians ranger it can be a gun 

orange saber[]

Orange sword

orange saber

it was used by guardians ranger and earth coporation,guardians purple have purple versions 2 times strong than normal orange saber 

future arrow[]

Sonic Arrow

future arrow

transformation devices for new generation guardians.they not havepad but new generation guardians use it for support weapon and transformation devices 

tranformations sequence

they will use their pose,say"guardians change",and shoot arrow
